What is your refund & cancellation policy?

We’ll always adjust the invoice with a refund if your guest count changes one day or more before your event. For any last second cancellations ON THE DAY of your event, we’ll adjust by the following:

For Credit: Receive a 75% credit towards future bookings. Credit amount based on booking price.

For Refund: Receive 50% refund for the canceled guests. Refund amount based on booking price.

What if I need to cancel due to bad weather?

Bad weather in Los Angeles? It does happen sometimes and you can be sure that we will do our best to reschedule to a day and time that works for you.

Does DIY Design Party provide all of the supplies?

Yes! We provide the coloring sheets, blank paper (as requested), markers, and the item you have chosen at booking (t-shirt, tote, etc). 

What do I need to provide?

Once you have booked your event, we will request more information such as t-shirt sizes for your guests. This information must be received one week before the event. If you are hosting the party, you will need to provide seating and a coloring surface for all guests – but you were probably going to do that anyway!